Accepting an Award for Work w/ Austin Venture Association via Austin Asian Chamber of Commerce

Posting my edited message below accepting the "Organization of the Year" Award for my work starting Austin Venture Association at Austin Asian Chamber of Commerce’s 10 year gala celebration:

I don’t like saying how unusual it is for someone with my background to even be in the business, venture, or startup world, let alone at a podium accepting recognition. But unfortunately it's rare.

In fact, almost everything about me is unusual in those industries: I’m Vietnamese, I didn’t come from a rich family, I’m a woman, I didn’t go to a name brand school, never got hired at Google/Facebook/Apple/Amazon or any big tech company, never been hired at a name brand organization, and I’m on the younger side.

People could not, and will not find the usual mental shortcuts in those areas listed, to make a positive decision about me.

So I turned myself into an entrepreneur, time and time again, instead of hoping/waiting for benefit of the doubt. I’ve reflected on my career though, and noticed only when I moved like lightning and worked as hard and smart as I possibly could, was how I’ve experienced any success in my life. So I’ll continue to do that.

But if you’re like me (which many of you in this room are) and you didn’t have the usual background almost required, or at least conducive to doing big things, just remember that we still have so much going for us. Austin has been a hot city for growth, and many flocked to all over Texas. Not everywhere in the world experienced that.

For years I felt being here hindered my growth and I started to resent it. I am now optimistic we are entering into a golden decade here. It’ll be rocky for now like everywhere else, but what we do now, will make a material difference in the future.

This is the time for folks who come from under-represented communities to show off what they can do, and what they desire to accomplish. We cannot become complacent. It you look around and don't see what you want to see, change it. There are no excuses, not even if— or especially if— you’ve been marginalized. Keep going because we need your leadership. Use your differences to create something great. Everyone can help in their own way.

Let's continue to amplify the Asian Chamber’s important work spotlighting and sharing a platform. Thank you Greater Austin Asian Chamber of Commerce and congratulations on the 10 year anniversary gala!

CS Freeland

Up at the podium for the speech

CS Freeland and Fang Fang Austin Asian Chamber Gala

Fang Fang, the Austin Asian Chamber of Commerce CEO and I

Ying McGuire's Austin Asian Chamber Award

Winner of the Ying McGuire’s Asian Community Award


A Tribute To My Dad, Fred Freeland


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